Monday, September 8, 2008

Open Office 3.0 finally Released

Good news! Free, alternative office suite's latest version 3.0 is now available for download by testers. 3.0 Release Candidate 1 offers several new features and improvements from its last major release, including better Mac support and collaboration capabilities. Let's take a look at the notable fso you can decide if it's worth taking another look at as an alternative to Microsoft Office.

The most immediately noticeable change is the splash screen called the Start Center when you lauch From the Start Center, you select which portion of you want to use. The Start Center is shown above in the opening screenshot.

Mac OS X users will be pleased with 3.0, because support for OS X is even more robust. 3.0 works right out of the box with minimal fuss. Another bonus for OS X users: features that were dropped from the Mac version of Microsoft Office such as the spreadsheet Solver and VBA support are included in the Mac version of


Anonymous said...

yeah openoffice has almost the same features as that of Microsoft Office. It's the best alternative to MS Office without spending a dime.